There are 3 major types of structures. Buildings (the majority), lines to transport utilities, and paths to reduce the cost of unit travel.
Fusion Generator 5x6
Inputs: None
Outputs: None
Since electricity is a utility and not a product, this building has no outputs.
Water Pump 2x4
Inputs: Electricity
Outputs: None
This building must be built entirely on water.
FutureGas1 Generator (possibly named the Hydrocarbonic Refinery) 4x4
Inputs: Electricity
Outputs: None
Reclaimation Plant 6x6
Inputs: Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: Atomic Clay
Converts the colony's waste into basic molecules that can be reconstructed into useful raw materials. Output is proportional to colony population.
Nanoassembler 5x6
Inputs: Atomic Clay, Electricity, Water
Outputs: 1 type of Resource (excluding Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Vegetables)
Comes in multpile flavors. Plants tack the name of the output to the front of the building name. For example, a "Gold Nanoassembler" outputs Gold.
Nitrogenator 2x2
Inputs: Atomic Clay, Water, Electricity
Outputs: Nitrogen
Greenhouse 4x3
Inputs: Nitrogen, Water, Electricity
Outputs: Oxygen, Vegetables
Machine Shop 4x4
Inputs: Gold, Iron, Steel, FutureMetal1/2/3, or Titanium, as well as Electricity and Water
Outputs: Cast Gold, Cast Iron, Cast Steel, Cast FutureMetal1/2/3, Cast Titanium
Each metal requires a different machine shop. That is, a Gold Machine Shop, Iron Machine Shop, etc. One easy way to increase the number of buildings in the game will be to make a different machine shop for each shape. The shape could be set as a property of the building or an entirely different building. For example, a Gold Machine Shop could output Gold Contacts or Gold Wiring and circuitboards would then require Gold Contacts and Silicon instead of just Cast Gold and Silicon.
Metal Press 3x3
Inputs: Steel, Titanium, or FutureMetal1/2/3, as well as Electricity and Water
Outputs: Steel Sheet, Titanium Sheet, FutureMetal1/2/3 Sheet
The Metal Press is similar to the Machine Shop.
Photolithography Lab 3x4
Inputs: Gold+FutureMetalX Alloy, Silicon, Superconductors, Electricity, FutureGas1
Outputs: Circuitboards
Optics Lab 3x3
Inputs: Diamond, Silicon, Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: Optical Chips
Kiln 2x3
Inputs: Carbon, Silicon, Water, Electricity, FutureGas1
Outputs: Ceramics
Nanotube Synthesizer 4x4
Inputs: Carbon, Electricity, FutureGas1
Outputs: Nanotubes
Computronics Lab 3x4
Inputs: Gold+FutureMetalX Alloy, Superconductors, Circtuiboards, Optical Chips, Crystal1, Electricity
Outputs: Computers
Modern computers are only a couple of milimeters wide.
Plastics Refinery 3x4
Inputs: Carbon, Atomic Clay, Silicon, Water, FutureGas1, Electricity
Outputs: Plastics
Steel Furnace 3x3
Inputs: Iron, Carbon, FutureGas1
Outputs: Steel
Gold+FutureMetal Alloy-ifier 3x3
Inputs: Gold, FutureMetalX, FutureGas1, Electricity
Outputs: Gold+FutureMetalX Alloy
Crystalizer 3x3
Inputs: Atomic Clay, FutureGas1, Electricity
Outputs: Crystal1
Used heavily in robotics and computronics.
Chemical Vapor Depositor 3x3
Inputs: Carbon, FutureGas1, Electricity
Outputs: Diamond
Hospital 3x4
Inputs: Pharmaceuticals, Computers, Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: None
X Hospitals are required for every Y citizens.
Atmospheric Adjustor 4x5
Inputs: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Electricity, Water
Outputs: None
X Atmospheric Adjustors are required for every Y citizens.
Animal Husbandry Facility 4x4
Inputs: Vegetables, Nitrogen, Water
Outputs: Livestock
Slaughterhouse 2x2
Inputs: Livestock, Plastics, Electricity, Water
Outputs: Meat
Animal go in, meat come out.
Pharmaceuticals Lab 2x3
Inputs: Atomic Clay, Plastics, Vegetabls, Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: Pharmaceuticals
Housing Various Sizes
Inputs: Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: None
X population requires Y houses.
Commercial Warehouse Various Sizes
Inputs: Electricity, FutureGas1
Outputs: None
X population requires Y warehouses.
Commercial Distributors Various Sizes
Inputs: Electricity, Water, FutureGas1
Outputs: None
X population requires Y distributors.
Lines are used to transport utilities. Place a line adjacent to the appropriate plant to "charge" it. Uncharged lines do not transport their respective utility. Lines will automatically swap in a corner or appropriate crossing tile if the line turns or intersects another line.
Also, any building will act as a line to all adjacent buildings for all utilities. For example, building A is connected to a charged power line and a charged water pipe. Building A only uses electricity. Building B is adjacent to building A (but not the lines it is connected to) but only uses water. Building B is considered to be "powered" and "watered" (the specific types of charge for electricty and water).
Power Lines 1x1
Carries electricity.
Water Pipes 1x1
Carries water.
Gas Pipes 1x1
Caries FutureGas1.
Street 1x1
Significantly reduces the cost of travel for almost every unit. Turn pieces, T-intersections, and 4-way intersections are automatically swapped out for regular straight pieces where appropriate.
Rail 1x1(straight) 2x2(turn)
Trains can only travel on rails. Rails can intersect with other rails and streets and will automatically swap the previous structure for a rail-rail crossing or a street-rail crossing.