Face Off
From TACWiki
FO_START - The main menu has been initialized. FO_START_BOARD - A new board (round) has been started. FO_STARTFACELOAD - A face on the tray has begun to load. FO_FACELOADED - A face on the tray has finished loading. FO_FACEDRAG - The user has begun to drag a face from the tray. FO_BOARDFILL- The user has dropped a face from the tray onto an empty board cell. FO_BOARDUNDO - A filled cell on the board was clicked, sending the face back to the tray and emptying the filled cell. FO_CORRECT_GROUP - A group was determined correct during validation. FO_INCORRECT_GROUP - A group was determined incorrect during validation. FO_END - The user has finished the game and exited.
FO_MENU_INPUT_Enter - User has pressed the Enter key. FO_MENU_INPUT_MouseClick - User has clicked the left mouse button. FO_MENU_INPUT_Left - User has pressed the Left key. FO_MENU_INPUT_Right - User has pressed the Right key. FO_END_QUIT - User has exited Face Off via main menu.
FO_MENU_INPUT_MouseClicked - User has clicked the left mouse button. FO_INPUT_SubmitPressed - User has clicked the submit button. FO_INPUT_MouseReleased - User has released the left mouse button.